By KittenNomNom - 22/02/2012 19:40 - United States

Today, I was sitting at the mall food court, and wearing a "Blink If You Want Me" shirt. A guy walked by, saw my shirt, and made a point of holding a staring contest with me before moving on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 033
You deserved it 41 448

KittenNomNom_fml tells us more.

Ahahah everyone, the shirt was a joke. I wasn't really offended, we ended up becoming friends afterwards. A lot of you are right, he has a great sense of humor and he was just teasing. It didn't kill my self esteem or anything of that sort, I just thought it might give someone a laugh (: Thanks for all the comments and such~

Top comments


"No just no you people are like really Uhm idk" First off, why in the hell do you have the word like in there? That makes you sound completly stupid (not that it wasn't a stupid comment to begin with) Second, what in candy land where you trying to say? Third, who told you you were smart?

roxyelizabeth 3

Your kinda asking for it when you wear a shirt like that.

If you were wearing that shirt, than you deserved what ever you got,hun.

What a stupid shirt. I have a strange feeling you're a dumb c*nt.

wuzzup969 2

That's why you don't wear clothing like that. (:

You deserved it. Its not big or clever, it just makes you look liike an arrogant bitch. I would have punched you in the face.

I definatly have that shirt. My favorite thing about it? The reactions from weirdos [:

Your mall has a food court?! Stupid Americans ... Shaking my head.