By Katxx93 - 01/01/2018 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I was so tired I somehow managed to use black false eyelash glue instead of my liquid eyeliner. Every time I sneeze my eyes become glued shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 169
You deserved it 2 569

Top comments

Gwenevier 29

Sorry bro, gotta call BS on this one. Eyelash glue dries completely after a solid 5 minutes, and then it’s not sticky to the touch anymore.


pacman490 21

Get a boxing doctor to cut you open

Gwenevier 29

Sorry bro, gotta call BS on this one. Eyelash glue dries completely after a solid 5 minutes, and then it’s not sticky to the touch anymore.

YDI. Anyone who owns that shit deserves it. Ditch the clown paint and at least pretend to have some dignity.