By Anonymous - 04/11/2015 18:26 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I was suffering from acid reflux. I was told that drinking water laced with baking soda would help. Nope, all it did was create a huge belch that made me vomit all over myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 500
You deserved it 3 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Baking soda helps reflux quite well. If it didn't, it could be something else that causes similar symptoms, like gall stones or esophagitis. If the symptoms continue, rather than self-medicating or taking advice from "someone" (including me), go see a doctor.

damn I feel for you. I have a huge fear of vomiting so that is like my worst nightmare.


damn I feel for you. I have a huge fear of vomiting so that is like my worst nightmare.

Stomach acid and a base (sodium bicarbonate of baking soda) with enough will cancel out and produce some form of salt and water, but further chemical reactions occur possibly releasing a form of gas.

neutraliseation reactions generally give off gas

I have a very severe phobia of throwing up too ...

Always do research before you try ANYTHING to your body. I hope you feel better OP

I agree. Definitely should have googled that shit

Iwannarock1 19

yeah, Google it because you can believe everything that's on the Internet.

But did that help?! I know I would be super upset I have like a phobia of vomit.

KeannaLove 32

I find chewing mint gum really helps!

When I'm feeling sick I like to sit on the bottom of the shower with the hot water on for a few minutes.

Don't believe everything you're told. Or better yet, do a little research.

That sucks, hope you get better soon OP.

Be careful what advice you take from people... There is a lot of false information out there, especially if they found it on the Internet.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Well, they used to recommend me that as a kid and it helped. Acid reflux can make you gassy, so I guess I can see what "went wrong" with what he did.

"Everything you read on the internet is true." -Abraham Lincoln

That's not false. Acid reflux is cause by acid obviously and baking soda is basic. It will bring the pH up to be less acidic.

Did vomiting help though? If it did then I'd say it was a win.

Baking soda helps reflux quite well. If it didn't, it could be something else that causes similar symptoms, like gall stones or esophagitis. If the symptoms continue, rather than self-medicating or taking advice from "someone" (including me), go see a doctor.

I second this. I was diagnosed with esophagitis last week and was put on prilosec for 2 weeks to see if that would help since I had terrible stomach pain and couldn't keep anything down. When shit like this happens, you need to go to the doctor if you know you're body isn't going to be feeling better without help. BTW, I hate taking medical advice from 'people who mean well'.

Plenty of people mean well. But most of them wouldn't know real medical advice if it came and slapped them in the face.

And the Doctor lives! Where have you been Doc? :3

You said to not listen to you, but talk to a doctor, but you are a doctor...

I'm a medic/nurse not a doc but I can see how this might happen. Ever mix baking soda and vinegar in a bottle and stretch a balloon over the opening? The decomposition during the reaction creates heat and releases gas in the process.

Doc I have not seen you in awhile. I thought you may have died by the stupidity of your patients.

allforfun - Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an excellent antacid. Look it up. It even started so in the box. Adeptus - They keep trying and failing.

I've been on Prilosec for about a decade and it certainly helps. However, I find that if I cut out carbs and dairy it really cuts down on me belching fire, especially at night.

39 - He may be a doctor IRL who knows his stuff, but to OP he's still just a guy on the Internet, which I like that Doc acknowledges.

I concur with this statement! it's also commonly used to help after a night of drinking. (I, thankfully don't drink anymore) ... but it's great for the next morning when your tummy is all queasy. either a large belch then better or a large belch, vomit, then better. go see your doctor to make sure you are okay! ?

Red_Curls1995 28

I have acid reflux and the only thing that ever worked for me was getting a pill to reduce the acid from my doctor. I think you can find them over the counter too but I'd really recommend seeing your doctor if this is common for you.