By Anonymous - 24/09/2010 00:24 - United States

Today, I was surfing the web for Halloween costumes, and found one labeled "Extreme Girl Nerd". With the wig, the glasses, and the buck-teeth, it looked exactly like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 511
You deserved it 6 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MetalFish 0

Gamer girl nerd are freaking hot. I mean... the alreadt hot ones are hotter. makes them hotter if they are geeks. I've been single way too long xD

sheribb 5

you sound cute ;P nerds are hot


you know... Megan fox used to be a nerd in high school, and look at er' now... ;). just give it time =)

Shookitup 0
jkgfdxb 0

maybe a strap on cause she's bi but I doubt she has a real willis and doodle berries

Shookitup 0

No like I saw a picture of her in a bikini in a magazine... -.- I have never seen a girl with a more awkward body than her. It's like a man's body...

jkgfdxb 0

and she did have many plastic surgury procedures. hmm something is fishy here:) haha

Kanvis78 0

Maybe it's not 'fishy' and there lies the problem! hah!

LOLatU87 0

write an email to Extreme make over or the swan

Kanvis78 0

Also, you can sue for copyrights! Sugar nerdy momma baby!

hairt 4


sourgirl101 28

Braces. It's so well worth the money. I don't understand why so many people don't invest in their teeth? There are so many payment plans out there.

I was curious about what a "nerdy" wig looks like, so I looked it up. The costume comes with fake buck teeth with braces. If she's not exaggerating about the resemblance, she's already trying to fix 'em. On a sidenote, I bet the boys at Google are wondering about the sudden spike in nerdy girl costume searches. :}

Should have copy-written the look. At least you would have gotten royalties from it then. ;-)

sourgirl101 28

It's just the Matrix body switching.