By nicoleee - 29/03/2012 20:16 - United States

Today, I was talking about phobias and anxiety disorders in psychology class. I nearly had a panic attack because I was worried that someone might realize I suffer from them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 046
You deserved it 4 054

Same thing different taste

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Sounds like my health class. *me chewing my nails * PowerPoint- CHEWING NAILS IS A STRESS HABIT *me randomly moving my foot * powerpoint- FREQUENT MOVING IS A SIGN OF ADHD me-OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME


I had a phobia of Santa Claws until someone told me he wasn't real... Sometimes I still fear that he will kill me, whether he is real or not.

cannabistea 7

Funny, I'm studying the same material in my psych class right now. Anyways, don't feel so bad. Sounds like an environment where people will understand your anxiety disorder and accept it. After all, they are learning about this stuff. So, don't sweat it. You never chose to have this disorder and if people don't accept you because of it, then **** them. Also, I hope you're receiving treatment. Good luck OP.

NiveaKK 9

I'm new to this website. Can anyone please tell me what 'OP' the full form? Thanks :)

OP means Original Poster. The person who originally made the comment thread or the FML.

I think that might've just given it away...

rightspark 7

But you didn't panic good job:)

You have a phobia of telling your phobias

That's why I never spoke aloud in school