By Gen - 17/12/2008 09:40 - France

Today, I was telling off one of my friends, a fellow student of medicine, who was spending his evenings watching "House" instead of revising for our important exam, as I was. The topic mentioned in the episode came up in the exam. He got 4 points more than I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 550
You deserved it 9 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course he'd make a better grade- House, simply, rocks. Everyone knows this!

Cantexplain1234 0

If house was the president and you were an assassin i'd take the bullet


Of course he'd make a better grade- House, simply, rocks. Everyone knows this!

:D House is the best, he deserved the good grade ;) mmm sexy I love House!!!

:D House is the best, he deserved the good grade ;) mmm sexy I love House!!!

Dude, that's such a douchy cutthroat medical student thing to complain about. Not that I have a problem with that....just sayin'

Oh, and I agree with the above poster that if you want to show this guy, just kick ass on your USMLE's, get a better residency, etc.

TheEpicScrewup 0

NEVER put someone down for watching House. House is the man. Maybe, If you watched the sexiness that is Dr. House, you could learn something.

House is such a duck though. but it's ok because he's also awesome.

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oh yeah what statistical data do you have to prove it? because my dad, my mom, and me a female girl watch house and I think none of us are homos :]

Ichigo_fml 0

i love house and now you know

Cantexplain1234 0

If house was the president and you were an assassin i'd take the bullet

thewisefoolHHH 1