By BaliTheDog - 24/03/2013 23:01 - France

Today, I was walking my dog when he stopped in the middle of the street and took a dump. I looked around furtively but saw nobody, so I just kept walking. I stepped in it on the way back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 014
You deserved it 97 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

"The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching."


Shit happens apparently! Karma for sure.

Are you positive it was your dogs pile you stepped in. If so... you really know your shit.

Where I live, it's illegal if you don't pick up after your dog. This is a prime example if why, other than the fact that picking up prevents health risks and is simply common courtesy.

You do as the dog does so why didn't you poop in the road to?

How, in anyway, does op say they do what the dog does?!

Dogs can't pick up their poop. He didn't pick it up. He left it lying there like a dog would.

You deserve it. People who dot clean up after pets don't deserve to have them

You know better. Your actions affect everyone else, fortunately, this time your laziness didn't affect someone else walking down the street, just you. Hopefully, you didn't throw a prissy fit over it too. Learn to clean after yourself & your dog.

Bad_Bre 10

keep track where you left it next time

Next time don't let your dog poo in the road and clean up your mess. YDI.

You are a little shit. Literally. Be respectful and learn how to pick up after your dog.