By Pwnedofthedead - 03/10/2009 15:34 - Canada

Today, I was walking to my friends Halloween themed birthday party in my zombie costume. Apparently, my crazy coke addicted neighbor found the costume too realistic. He tackled me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 38


helloquinne 0

Well drawn, but the layout is awkward and distracting.

Oh man, ouch. D: Sucks to be you. Well, we know who's gonna survive that zombie apocalypse. Take no chances, bitches. And Garland, TX really *is* that shitty.

it says tackled, yet the picture clearly just has him getting kicked in the face. lame.

In the first frame, the zombie looks like ginger Smeagol

i_luv_cheese 0

the illustrator clearly doesnt know what a tackle is

Perhaps the illustrator has a soccer tackle in mind . . .

stella23 0

all you people who seem to think it's impossible to have a halloween THEMED BIRTHDAY PARTY are morons. consider this: my birthday is at the beginning of october. i would like to have a birthday party AND a halloween party but can only have one. i decide to have a COMBINATION of the two, and it just so happens the day when having the party was most possible was a the beginning of the month. so its a few weeks before halloween. WHOOP DE DO. don't we start getting in the spirit early for most holidays? (think 25 days of christmas) get your heads outta your butts and quit being jealous nobody invites you anywhere