By Mamaofdrama - 06/04/2019 18:00

Today, I was working on potty training my daughter. She opened the fridge while I wasn't looking and peed all over the lower shelf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 943
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

notalwaysbesta 14

That’s actually pretty impressive for a girl, just saying.

lol once when we were potty training are oldest daughter she sat on the toilet cover and peed all over the toilet and floor 🤣 or when my little brother was 3 he took a huge crap on my parents bedroom floor and stuck a toy figure called pokey(from Gumby and Pokey show)with just his head sticking out then proudly announced that pokey took a poo poo and needed his butt wiped, I cried laughing 😂


notalwaysbesta 14

That’s actually pretty impressive for a girl, just saying.

I don’t think you’re training her right, IMHO.

lol once when we were potty training are oldest daughter she sat on the toilet cover and peed all over the toilet and floor 🤣 or when my little brother was 3 he took a huge crap on my parents bedroom floor and stuck a toy figure called pokey(from Gumby and Pokey show)with just his head sticking out then proudly announced that pokey took a poo poo and needed his butt wiped, I cried laughing 😂

I see a creative genius on the rise.

HotDog300 8

Why is your fridge so close to the toilet?