By J-Sauce - 20/06/2016 14:54 - Canada - Salmon Arm

Today, I went to a club with 6 girls thinking it would be awesome. As soon as we got there, they all said they wanted to go dance and asked if I could watch their purses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 829
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you politely decline and proceed to boogie out onto the dance floor

zeffra13 31

That's so dumb on their part OP. They knew they didn't want to have a purse on them the whole night, & I'm sure they realized none of the other girls wanted to be the one sitting by themself watching bags. They shouldn't bring stuff they need someone else to watch, especially if it wasn't discussed ahead of time that someone was intended to sit watch it.


I'm confused. Why would they not just take their bags with them to dance? That's what people do in Australia, is dancing without your bag a North American thing?

your what we like to call a lamp, the friend zone is a cold place

lol when i go clubbing with girls it usually goes like this "can i put my spectacle case in your purse? and my scarf, and my dubi case and eye drops?" my friends wouldn't trust anyone with their purses so they never even ask to watch their purses