By failure - 29/07/2011 06:19 - United States

Today, I went to a jeweler's to buy a ring to propose to my girlfriend. When I was at the restaurant, in mid-proposal, with people watching, I realized I had left the ring in the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 884
You deserved it 15 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Quickly buy a ring pop to give her temporarily.


lmao your kids would get a kick outta that

SaggyBoy135 0

Soooooooo...... That sucks.:p

Get your Twix bar out.... and get a moment! like they do in the commercials when they do something bad....

of course you left the ring in the jewelers, you didn't pay for it. no dumbass would drop thousands of dollars and leave the ring...

sparxva 12

If she says 'yes' then take her to the store to pick out the ring 'together' - so easy.