By muffincakess - 21/01/2010 00:55 - France

Today, I went to buy some spray paint for a project. I've never used a spray can before, so I decided to try it on paper provided. Unfortunately I didn't hold the can the right way and ended up with black, permanent, paint all over my face in the middle of a store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 932
You deserved it 37 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet you don't know how to work a seat belt or a light switch either, please bring an escort the next time you leave the house.

Jesta05 0

WTF u managed to get it past ur hand? onto ur face? geez ur supertalented.


That seems like something that would only happen in cartoons. You are a huge idiot.

RainaMadeilline 0

At least you figured out how to use it... Yayyy

How the **** do you not see the nozzle?

"I've never used a spray dab before" wtf?

Black paint? Uh oh. Now you're going to be labeled a racist.

How you got past the front door and found the paint amazes me

An illustrated fml of this would be so great. Like showing him/her aiming it straight at his face while holding a piece of paper haha

Geez, it's not rocket science! It's a point where you want to spray, and spray! If you didn't already know that, though, you could have just checked the instructions!