By O0hdear - 27/08/2015 17:44 - United States - Humble

Today, I went to my fiance's cousin's wedding with him. I got drunk and danced like a stripper in front of his entire extended family, who I'd just met that day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 540
You deserved it 32 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you should not drink excessively, especially in front of people you are trying to impress. You can't control your drinking behaviour but you can control you drinking. Poor fiance, and poor people who had an idiot at their wedding.

DMA0712 22

First impressions always count.


Seriously how did all the votes not go to 'You Deserved It'? Because you really did.

That's nothing. The first time I met my fiancés uncle (three years ago, I was 15) I accidentally flashed him while drunk, second time was last month and I was so drunk that I told him that I wasn't sure if I was wearing underwear, and asked him to check. A funny story, but still, you're situation could have been worse

It was hilarious, his family adore me and are just as crazy when drunk. Lighten up everyone

So, you got drunk at 15 which is illegal in the UK and flashed your fiancés uncle? If I was you, I would never be proud of that

You just might have a drinking problem if ..... I have lost track of the number of alcoholics whose stories begin like this.

Somebody come get her, she's dancing like a stripper

Surprised you still have a fiancé. If mine did that, I'd be single in the morning. No way I'd marry someone with such low class and a drinking problem to boot.

did they atleast throw money at you?