By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 00:07 - United States

Today, I went to see "Black Swan" with my parents, not realizing that it was basically a porno. So I sat next to my dad while Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman had passionate lesbian sex on a twenty foot screen. And I'm pretty sure I heard the old guy behind us jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 869
You deserved it 7 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you think that qualifies as **** you obviously aren't a regular Internet user...

xFalzz 0

Thats why you should research movies before seeing them.


It's basically a porno? Man was I wrong when I said it looked gay :/

I_R_Genius 3

Hey now, Natalie Portman is pretty hot for her age. I went to go see it with my girlfriend and to tell you the truth, it sucked so badly that I left half way through it.

blondbabe34c 0

she probably saw it when it first came out meaning no one would have seen it to talk about it

you do know that natalie portman is younger than 30, right? she's not exactly old.

actually i've read many articles about it and the "most talked about" part is how freaky natalie portman's character is and how much weight she lost for the role. I hadn't even heard about the lesbian sex scene.

thanks FML.... how about posting my comment on the right reply next time. Comment #28 was supposed to go in reply to #7

bebz_fml 0

hahaha yeah that movie was a bit weird

Mirequetz 6

OP... Seriously? One 2 minute scene constitutes the movie being a porno? YDI for being such a prude.

xFalzz 0

Thats why you should research movies before seeing them.

I_R_Genius 3

That's what movie trailers are for. Me and my girlfriend went to go see it and tbh, I hated it, I left halfway through with a refund on my money.

i walked out right after the lesbian scene too and got my money back. SCORE

hotair10 9

What theater gives money back? Seriously, I want to know these things!

Usually if you leave within 30 min you get a refund. too bad there is also usually 20 min of previews.

djmigues 7

I went with my girlfriend and hated it as well. It was stupid.

That is SUCH a good movie! I've seen it twice now. That is gross about the guy jacking off though :-P

bebz_fml 0

nice t-shirt 43. is that rugrats I see?

Macromartyr 3

The movie was awesome, and clearly the OP doesn't understand it if he said it just a Porno.

Mirequetz 6

ugh i would rather see it with my boyfriend then dad....

What movie did you see OP? Not even close to a porno.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

That movie was fantastic. In my opinion, anyway.

I thought it was a great movie! but still inappropriate

who researches a movie?? ever heard of movie trailors on tv?? moron

KaylieBieber13 0

I can kinda relate. my rents bought a girl I was seeing and I tix to see Dave Chappelle do stand up. They wanted to go too so they grabbed a couple extra seats. Dave Chappelle is pretty raunchy and needless to say it made for an awkward car ride home.

it's the rippin and tearin guy behind you at the movies. (Tosh.0 reference)

daaron 3

shouldve turn around and shssssh him lol just like the guy in the subway train smooch smooch fingering motion WTF

I hope you didn't find a certain substance in the back of your hair afterwards..

allan_069 0

lol that's funny. did you look back to see if he really was?

whoopyouupsideyo 0

I know I would have been. lol

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

i would have been 2 scared 2 look back

So much for quality time with your family. Did your parents seem horny after that?

Do you live under a rock? The lesbian scene is the most talked about part of that movie. ydi.

If you think that qualifies as **** you obviously aren't a regular Internet user...

"basically a porno"? you're an idiot. also, why would you go see a movie with your parents that you apparently knew nothing about? once're an idiot.

I agree, the movie is good. it's not porno. op you're an idiot and ydi

prince122 0

haha ur number 69 way better then number one

Whorebiscuits 4

wow, you're stupid for writing "U R" Instead of ur or you're. retard. and st"uu"pid? last time I checked "stuupid" had one "u" you cant spell "stupid" without "u"

1.That's a common expression people use when there is a prolonged sex scene. 2. Not everyone likes to look up the movie because it might ruin it. actually, the majority don't look it up at all. hence trailers.... 3. You calling her/him an idiot made me laugh. She made no illogical decisions, but you however made the illogical decision to come to conclusions so hastily by calling her stupid. if anything your the "idiot" here....

I know seriously! Basically a Porno my ass! Obviously you don't understand what a Porno is; It was one damn sex scene and it didn't even show ****** or anything! Black Swan is a ******* good movie; For future reference.. Look up movies before going to see them. And sit far from men who look like they will jack off to anything they can get.

dezinspaaace 0
agm2010 0

how did u get away with this? I got banned when I said that.!

dezinspaaace 0

really? oh snap! :/ and idk i just posted it and it appeared i guess..

agm2010 0

lol yeah I was nice too. I was like 'oh ur bf will forgive u...' and what u said and got an email that I was banned .:( lol

ohthebloodygore 16

Read the rules. The moderators probably haven't read your comment yet.

JaydnGage 0

There are rules to posting comments? What happened to freedom of speech?