By actually just constipated.. and stupid - 04/03/2015 15:03 - Tunisia

Today, I went to the doctor, because I've been having stomach pains and nausea for weeks. He ended up gravely telling me I'm pregnant. I freaked out and panicked about what my parents would say. Then his laughter reminded me that I'm a guy. A really stupid one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 358
You deserved it 37 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said "I'm not a man" just to **** with him too

You're not on the pill!? Jeez man. At least use condoms Eh mate!


I hope you were just ******* with the doctor, otherwise that's really embarrassing OP

When/if you actually do have a kid on the way, make sure he/she has more common sense than that...

I agree with you OP you are really stupid.

42069666 18

once my period was 2 weeks late and I was thinking how I would tell my mum that I was gonna be the next virgin mary

I bet that doctor told all his buddies about your reaction and they lol'd hard.

Le_ponderer 14

Hey OP, wanna buy London Bridge?

He's a doctor, so I'd take his word for it: you are a stupid guy.