By ryuuchild - 09/12/2016 00:07 - United States - Boscobel

Today, I went to the ER for an asthma attack. I left with a UTI and an elevated heart rate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 128
You deserved it 604

ryuuchild tells us more.

OP here. So I went in cause of the asthma attack and due to the treatments they gave me my heart rate was up to 130 to 150 and would not go down. The Doctor ordered an EKG and a blood and urine test to see if it showed anything. All that cameback w as that I had a UTI. I hadnt even started showing signs of a UTI so go figure right. Feeling much better and my heart rate was down this morning. Thanks for all the laughs made my day.

Top comments

I don't even want to know what the dirty doctor did to open your windpipe.


While you certainly can get sick at a hospital, getting a uti there strikes me as improbable. She probably had it before she went, and was diagnosed there.

oceanbeauty 17

A lot of ER docs like to check a urine sample while you're there for various reasons. It was probably an accidental finding that they decided to treat. Also, the elevated heart rate was most likely from the albuterol to treat the asthma attack.

I don't even want to know what the dirty doctor did to open your windpipe.

Meds for asthma: Side effects may include infection of the urinary tract and elevated heart rate. WARNING: do not use with asthma as your heart and/or bladder may explode

Wait, unless I misread your comment, your saying that meds for asthma should not be used with asthma? How does that work?

It's an exaggerated joke on modern medicine sort of how GTA 5 is an exaggerated joke on modern society

i wonder what you'll leave with if you go back for the uti? Mad cow disease?

What? You people never heard of a urinary track infection causing somebodys prions to fold into what some might call beautiful origami?

Try going in for an ear infection and coming out with Thyroid cancer. Weird shit happens when going to the doctor, haha. Good luck with that UTI!

thehaystackerine 20

you didn't go to Stoughton Hospital did you?

I hope that means you got a UTI diagnosis and not that the hospital gave you a UTI. Sorry OP, that sucks. But remember there are still far worse ways to leave an ER.

OP here. So I went in cause of the asthma attack and due to the treatments they gave me my heart rate was up to 130 to 150 and would not go down. The Doctor ordered an EKG and a blood and urine test to see if it showed anything. All that cameback w as that I had a UTI. I hadnt even started showing signs of a UTI so go figure right. Feeling much better and my heart rate was down this morning. Thanks for all the laughs made my day.

I feel you OP, I had to go into urgent care for an asthma attack earlier this week too, and had similar side effect. The medications they use for that are known to cause a faster heart rate, but at least if you're going to have a bout of tachycardia, you're in the right place! Also, at least now you know about the UTI so you can get treatment before the symptoms show up! 2 birds, one stone :) Feel better!

Queen_of_Night 20

I feel you OP. I once went in for acid reflux and left with a surgery date for a 4.5 lbs cyst.

I'm glad you're okay. Those heart rates are normal because of the medication they give you. When i take mine i get 110-120 heart rate and then it goes down and i feel a lot better when i start breathing well :)

Protip, if you do not have the symptoms for a UTI, YOU DO NOT HAVE AN UTI!!!! You must have the symptoms or else it was a false postive on your urinalysis, just because you had bacteria in your urine does not mean that they are bad. Taking antibiotics when they are not needed is way worse for you. The only time you actually have a UTI is if you have the symptoms ie: pain on urination, the urge to pee, hesitancy while peeing, not being able to control your bladder, peeing frequently and during the night and suprapubic pain. Please talk to another doctor before you take the antibiotics

Yes!! This!!!! UTI is a clinical diagnosis, positive dipsticks in the absence of symptoms mean absolutely nothing (in the majority of cases). No point taking antibiotics as they won't make you better, will promote antimicrobial resistance, and will give you the risk of side effects and allergies.