By shitface - 25/01/2010 10:18 - Australia

Today, I woke up to my 2-year-old daughter hitting me in the face. She had just pooped her nappy and put her hands down her pants to "feel it squish around." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 557
You deserved it 3 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This reinforces my belief that children are not sweet, cute and good-smelling but instead nasty, disgusting-smelling carriers of filth.


CamoChick13 0
Whyme8P 0

what does YDI mean??? lol I am so stupid

dolphingirl00 0
Eveiebear 0

I used to baby sit a 2 yr old girl who did that. just be thankful she didn't proceed to smear it all over her face, bed and wall while she was supposed to be napping.

YDI. Why isn't she potty-trained?! That's your problem right there.