By chipsotopher - 01/03/2016 19:14 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, in my marketing class, we were categorizing musical groups by their age group. Someone asked, "What's a Beatle?" As in "The Beatles". FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 940
You deserved it 1 672

chipsotopher tells us more.

Hi everyone, OP here. Never thought this would get posted. I think the worst part of what happened was that only my teacher one fiend and myself seemed to have noticed. We stared at each other in silence for a bit before I asked my teacher if I could go walk it off. He let me.

Top comments

Wow, what has our world come to?! I get that the Beatles are an older band, but they're perhaps one of the most famous bands throughout the ages.


Wow, what has our world come to?! I get that the Beatles are an older band, but they're perhaps one of the most famous bands throughout the ages.

Not everyone listens to that kind of music. It's understandable really.. No reason to act so offended

#13, no, it's not understandable. You don't need to listen to them to have heard OF them. Not having heard of The Beatles is comparable to not having heard of Mozart. And you probably heard of him, even if you don't listen to classical music.

I'm not offended, but it's hard to have not heard of one of the most well known bands there is, that's all. Junk music is overtaking the world, replacing the good music that used to exist. It's just sad.

Dude, the Beatles put out some classics, but they started off as "junk food" as anything coming out today.

#14 beatles suck. just another boy band.

Yes, well, if you grew up with parents who didn't listen to the Beatles and classmates who didn't wear those "Beatles" shirts, it's entirely possible to have not heard of them. There are a lot of classic bands that people today haven't heard of - same as if you didn't listen to pop music, nobody would fault you for not knowing who Ariana Grande is.

#39 You are exactly proofing my point while trying to proof the opposite. I don't listen to pop music. I don't think I've ever heard a song by Ariana Grande. I have no idea what she even looks like. But I've come across the name before, probably while scimming the news headlines of some website, and I know that she is a musician of some sort. There is no need to be able to identify any Beatles song to know they existed and made music.

It's different for all ages. One of my coworkers who is middle age knows more current bands then me, but when a customer asked if she knew who CCR was she had no clue, whereas I'm 17 and was able to tell her who they were

Late response - but you kind of proved my point. Ariana is in the news because she's current. If she weren't in the tabloids, would you have heard of her? The Beatles are mentioned, yes, but it's infrequent. They were influential, but they're not all over the news and radio today like they were 50 years ago. I don't really get offended if people don't know bands or singers, so maybe that's just me.

That moment when you realize you've become old

Hey 2, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.

20bricks 28

Beatle is a more ear-pleasing spelling of Beetle.

Wouldn't it be "eye pleasing" since we don't see with our ears?

I'm not surprised someone doesn't know the Beatles. Things are changing so quickly and so fast. I hope you educated him who the Beatles were or atleast advised him to use google!

Who ever don't know who the Beatles are needs to fall off the face of the Earth.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Calm down, not everyone is a hardcore fan like you.

deathstroke990 22

yeah, someone who hasn't heard of a 50 year old band should just die amiright

I mean, they are only the most influential music group of all time. Little fish like them fly over people's heads all the time.

kingshelly 24

Well she definitely proved the purpose of the exercise haha

I heard that they live in an octopus`s garden, in the shade

So they don't live in a yellow submarine #21? My life's been a lie! D:

i seem to be one of the only people who hates the beatles. oh well. more good music for me

cptncuttlefish 24

Dunno why you were thumbed down, the Beatles were racist wife beaters and their music sucked. Dwi world.

The Beatles' music is overrated, but they are a big part of how music was formed over the years and extremely influential.

Can't say I hate them, I have no reason to, but I'm not really a fan of their music. Not any I've heard, anyway.

I don't really hate them. I just don't care too much for them. None of their songs have caught my ear. I'm very picky with my music. I don't go anywhere near pop and rap though.