By Anonymous - 23/11/2014 10:27 - Australia - Box Hill South

Today, in thanks for my assistance, a customer recommended me a plastic surgeon who could "really help with that face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 906
You deserved it 2 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would hate to see what they said if they didn't like your service

If only there were surgeons who could fix bad attitudes like her... Smh


haliacc 17

How different the world would be if we saw only the inner beauty in people. I would say that your customer would be quite ugly!

So that means she went to the plastic surgeon to make her look better first... Hmm...

I work at Walmart, I've dealt with all kind of customers. But this is a new one.....

He could have been sarcastic and not liked the service

That would have been said either way I would think

wonder how they'd know about the plastic surgeon in the first place unless from experience

SauceySarah 30

Aw that was low. Unintentional insults are the worst kind.

you should had said back," well he didnt do a good job fixing your face" but then again,you could had probably gotten fired.