By andi0804 - 05/08/2009 01:33 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. The only call I received was from my stalker, who sang happy birthday with a japanese accent and asked if he could be my "special present". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 871
You deserved it 3 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crackberrie 0

creepy!!! how come you haven't changed your number? (it sounds like this person has been stalking you for a while from your post)


ziqi92 0

Happy Birthday! Gambai!!! (Cheers!!!)

sleepreader 0

no, KOMPIE!! idk about spelling tho...

otanjobi omedetou! kanpai! relevant:

bexox 0

People of various ages use that wording. My 39-year-old co-worker talks about her stalker.

perhaps you should give your stalker a chance, since considering what you wrote no one loves you anyways. And Hes Japanese :]

Uhm... well... at least he's sweet? I dunno, I feel gray-area about stalkers lol.... but I certainly wouldn't want one, so FYL... and FHL too, while I'm at it. Gotta be a rough one to get in to stalking, I guess.

hi! its gabi! happy bday =] and anti-bday :D

umm Happy Belated Bday! tht sux but at least some1 remembered and thinks ur cool enuf 2 b stalked

FYL for not getting any calls... but more importantly, YDI for not appreciating that special someone who took the time to find your number and the call, sing a song AND offer themselves as a "special birthday present"...

ummm it's kinda weird how u are aware u have a stalker that u claim urs ???

babydoll2993 0

Omg. I was on Omegle and I said it was my birthday and the guy was like "Wanna have webcam sex?" And I was like, "OMFG! I'm friking 14...."