By freakingout - 04/09/2012 21:55 - United States - Roslyn

Today, it was my first day back at school. My social anxiety is so bad that I couldn't even raise my hand to use the bathroom because I didn't want people to look at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 996
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It will be worse if they look at you after you've peed yourself.


Show up fashionably late, wearing nothing but a G string and a burger king crown. You'll get over your social anxiety pretty quickly. And a week out of school from the suspension.


dannyboi1 1

Been get better mang :)

I have social anxiety too! I hate it when you arrive just even slightly late or need to walk into a different room and everyone turns to stare at you. What you've never seen a human opening a door before?

I'm 15 and have a social anxiety. Prozac has helped me alot. try it!:)

I do the same exact thing every time the first day of a new school year came around. In most of my classes, I would risk getting a failing grade over presenting in front of my class.

I know how that feels... I still have social anxiety almost that bad!

Hey everyone, look at that my 2 incher!!! It's erect!!!

Hey everyone, look at that classless asshole typing out a useless comment!!

Took Prozac as a teen and it saved my life, my grades and my self esteem. Prozac rocked. I no longer take it, for my brain is now balanced especially since my hormones are leveled out. As soon as I hit menopause I'm going to go right back on it. A little help with your serotonin can make or break your life. It's a rather mild drug and nothing to be ashamed of.

I do the same exact thing every time the first day of a new school year came around. In most of my classes, I would risk getting a failing grade over presenting in front of my class.

I can relate! Good luck with school though! Don't shit yourself.