By kids say the darnedest things - 19/07/2014 02:56 - United States - Denver

Today, my 3-year-old daughter asked me to carry her from the car to the house. I asked her for 3 kisses and a hug in return. She said she'd rather walk instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 297
You deserved it 7 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

In her defence, 3 kisses and a hug sounds like too much work..

juturnaamo 29

Damn inflation. I remember being able to ride on my dad's shoulders for hours for 1 hug.


1dvs_bstd 41

In her defence, 3 kisses and a hug sounds like too much work..

Also in her defense that everybody gets embarrassed if they have to kiss their mothers in public.

euphoricness 28

She's three years old though, I don't think it'd really matter

It's unfortunate she's already embarrassed by her parents. It only gets worse from there.

Your means of haggling are inferior! :) Sounds like she knows what makes it worth the while.

Awh that's so cute! At least she won't be kissing no boys in the future, OP

jack_jill05 14

What makes you think this has anything to do with her kissing boys..?

supersquirel500 10

Ouch.. It's okay, OP. Sometimes kids just like to act out. I was the same way, but I still love my parents dearly.

#6 Refusing to kiss and hug someone isn't acting out. It's not something a kid 'should' do or be pressured to do, like kissing their grandparents goodbye. Not if you want to raise a kid that knows what giving consent really means.

juturnaamo 29

Damn inflation. I remember being able to ride on my dad's shoulders for hours for 1 hug.

Next time, you need to take a different negotiation approach.

She only has so many kisses to give. Geez. That's what happens when you price gouge.

Smart girl - she doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

3 kisses? I'll do 1 kiss, and the hug is pushing my limits.