By Fido - 06/06/2016 11:58 - United States

Today, my 3-year-old girl accidentally caught sight of me stepping out of the shower. Now she thinks "daddy has a tail" and she just has to let everyone know about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 481
You deserved it 1 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least your child thinks it's long enough to be considered a "tail".

NoThanks999 19

Tell her only mommy can see the tail ;)


this could have ended a lot worse my friend

Outragous! How dare you be a naked man with a penis?! - sarcasm can occur. Honestly I dont get it. Are you a pedophile? No? I used to shower with my dad all the time as a kid. That "tail" is a natural thing, and you should not worry about her seeing it. Equality for the genders, please! It is healthy for children to know that man and woman is physiologically different, and the penis does need to be associated with something sexual ? Dont worry! This wont damage her in any way.

Lol :) the innocence of a child is so sweet. As unfortunate as that is, it's also adorable.

abylaunch 10

It's okay, my son once walked into the bathroom while I was changing my pad and now he tells everyone that I wear diapers.

Get a clip-on monkey tail and pretend to be a Saiyan next time you're at her school.

Can't get the image of a hot, fit man getting out of the shower with a 7-inch dick now... Thanks OP!

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