By fothermuckerrr - 14/05/2010 04:07 - United States

Today, my best friend told me that she is only my friend because she is prettier than me and being my friend boost her confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 059
You deserved it 3 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a shallow bitch! Ditch her, nobody wants a friend like that.

You should have told her you're only friends with her because her cuntish attitude makes everyone like you better.


on the bright side you might get her leftovers

Max, from Where The Wild Things Are. I got drunk and lost my crown :(

Hehe. I didn't have to ask. I already knew.

why do you think thin girls hang out with fat ones? xD

You should have told her you're only friends with her because her cuntish attitude makes everyone like you better.

lol 22...I was just thinking the exact same thing

nemohazADDlama 0

ohhh I do that to other " friends"

Then you are a bitch. And an attention-seeking ****. That's just wrong to do to someone.

YDI for not noticing what a bitch your "friend" was.

lmao isn't that when u beat her ass and then make urself feel 10x better

That person was joking, duh. If not, she wouldn't be around with you in the first place because it would downgrade her status to be seen with you =]