By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 13:41 - United States

Today, my best friend, with whom I have been in love for years, kissed me, hugged me, held my hand, hooked up with me and told me that he loved me more than anything and wanted to be with me... until he sobered up and his girlfriend got back to town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 672
You deserved it 8 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he's in denial and he cheated? sucks for everyone

TaylorTotsYumm 10

If you knew about his girlfriend, this is absolutely a YDI. If you didn't, you're still dumb for believing a single word a drunk man tells you. So, YDI again.


This would be much less disturbing if the OP wasn't male.

Because the fact that OP engaged in gay sex makes the situation so much more different than if OP was a female? hurrda durrpa he had gaysecks ew das grody This is a FML for both the OP and the girlfriend for being with a cheater.

27 you wouldn't be a pissed closet dweller trying to get out, would you? You sure sound like it.

27 you wouldn't be a pissed closet dweller trying to get out, would you? You sure sound like it.

Oh, definitely, 37. In fact, I'm gay for you. Thank you for exposing me to my closeted homoerotic ways. I want to tongue your asshole like a goddamn lizard.

KingDingALing 9

I can do you, too. ;) In fact, FREE RIMJOBS FOR EVERYONE! :D

KingDingALing 9

WOOO! It's like an early Christmas present!

C6Racer 0

So, I guess "chimney" is what they call it these days.

37 is also a troll. I MUST FEED IT! But I'm not quite sure how.. If the end that usually eats is spewing shit, do I feed the other end? If 37 is from the USA, they would be thankful for a gravy enema this weekend.. Right?

79 I get the person licking you is supposed to be naruto, what were you dressed as and was it Halloween or a convention?

ThatOneDouchebag 0

The same thing happened to me... She was high at the time, sadly.

xero_art 0

I think the fact the OP is a guy is more disturbing because that means that his friend is gay, now he knows and yet his friend went back in the closet

A drunk man's actions are a sober man's thoughts.

so he's in denial and he cheated? sucks for everyone

jrgr 6

just what I was thinking. the truth comes out when you're drunk though

agreed #4 he may be just another closeted case.

SmellMyCheese 1

Really? Because it says "man" up there. But if you say so.

BejaChristmas 0

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More to the point, it's incorrect and actually takes MORE effort than typing correctly. It's a lose-lose situation.

What compells you to type that way? Jesus Christ.

Does it really matter that much how she decides to type?


It. Could. Be. Worse. You. Could. Be. Typing. Like. This.

It'sbetterthentalking likethis......... andthenaddingwheytomannyperiodslikeitssuperawkwardand the personcantspellforshiteitersoyuendupwitsompinliekthis. :/ I like grammar.. it's nice and also helpful when commenting on the Internet :D

tattieannecaldwe 0
TaylorTotsYumm 10

If you knew about his girlfriend, this is absolutely a YDI. If you didn't, you're still dumb for believing a single word a drunk man tells you. So, YDI again.

First sentence = truth. Your his best friend, didn't you know he had a gf? YDI Aim a little higher next time around.

Pssh, I would contact the girlfriend if I were you. I'm guessing you knew about her (best friend, duuh), so, you're a jerk. You'll become less of a jerk if you tell her that she has one mean boyfriend.

The truth comes out when your drunk. So maybe he really does feel that way and he has just been to afraid to say it. With some liquid courage he could have really told you how he felt so if by chance you didn't feel the same he could hide behind the fact that he was drunk. I say just be adult about it and talk to him about what he said, what happened and how you feel. Maybe then you can get to the bottom of this and the truth will finally come out. You are going to keep asking yourself what if, if you don't try. Good luck :)

Did he confess that he did this to his girlfriend? Did she "instinctively" slap him for it? Did that cause him to break up with her on the basis that she was violent?

If, in this case, "instincively" means "get the **** away from me", then most likely.

Has anyone else noticed that OP is a man? So his best friend is way back in the closet with the moth balls and those old boots you thought you lost.

nextXbrucelee 0

win for both doc and allmidnighteyes

Have you ever SMELLED moth balls???? ummm, how'd you get your nose between those tiny legs?

FYLDeep 25

So follow his example and go get yourself a girlfriend.

Dude....OP doesn't want a girlfriend he wants a boyfriend. He doesn't want the fish...he wants the sausage lol.

FYLDeep 25

Well if he did, then at least they could be in denial together.