By The Sbeak - 13/02/2009 15:54 - United States

Today, my boss called me into his office to show me the web site of a potential business partner. When he began to type 'virginia' into google, it auto-completed his search with his recent search for 'virgin boy assholes'. I have to go on business trip with him tomorrow. I'm a young guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 622
You deserved it 49

Top comments

hahahaha. wow... first of all, don't accept any drinks from him. and going to his room for late night "work" means you're gonna bleed from where you're not supposed to! :D and if you're at dinner and he asks you to toss his salad.... he doesn't mean the kind from a restaurant with ranch. BTW, have fun on your trip.


kdimplez 0

just because hes gay if he is gay...doesnt mean hes interested in u just because your a guy..grow up.

DUDE just bang him and get it over with!!!!!!

#27 is absolutely correct. This isn't really a worthy FML posting because (1) I don't believe it really happened; and (2) even if it did happen as stated, the suggested search text pops up automatically and has NOTHING to do with previously entered search text. The mistake made in this posting is that he mentioned auto-complete of "recent search" and it would have been more convincing if he had seen something in the guy's "browser history."

paddys_17 0

yes , this is deffintly a great exapmle to say my life is ****** right up , ahahha . your rotted dudeee

There is just so much wrong with that I don't know where to begin. I also find it funny that most of the people who are suggesting that virgin boy assholes is just a result of auto-suggestions are dead wrong. So many people already argued that point sufficiently though, so I won't go on. I would be alert, but not too freaked out beyond knowing what he seems to be interested in or curious about. You're a young male yes, but a search term like that is making me think you might be a little too old for him. >.> Pedophiles freak the hell out of me either way though, so you have every right to feel the same. Being gay is one thing and two consenting adults can do what they want but....children? No.

just don't "go out to celebrate" (lol) if you land that business deal...

Be very afraid, but don't lose your job.