By jobless - 10/04/2015 06:28 - United States - Fort Collins

Today, my boss fired me by locking me out of my workplace after I went out to throw out the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 648
You deserved it 2 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you were taking out the trash you forgot a big piece... Your boss

Knock knock Who's there! Joe Joe who? Joe - your employee! Sorry Joe the employee doesn't work here anymore


karcummings 19

I hope you got your stuff! that's rufe

Wow that is beyond rude your boss now your ex boss, sounds like a real winner I'm sorry OP this might be a blessings in disguise though now you can find a good decent job. good luck OP you should do a follow up on this FML so we know what happened.

chefnoel22 11

Were you at least able to go back in to get your stuff?

WTF!? Report his ass! sorry OP, that sucks! :/

Jack_Me_Off_Jerk 5

so who was really taking out the trash

Wow, someone doesn't like confrontations......

A_Little_Girl77 12

Wtf. Is your boss hormonal teenage girl? Who does that?

did he let you come back and get your stuff like car keys?