By Holding - 24/08/2013 05:21 - United States - Staunton

Today, my boyfriend and I are on our way back from vacation. It will be an eight hour drive. It just so happens I got food poisoning the night before we left, and there's roadwork everywhere. We're at a dead halt with no signs of moving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 155
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoever is thinking about making "the comment", don't do it.

perdix 29

Hmm, getting downvoted sounds like a *lowers sunglasses* shitty situation.


I am going to take a guess that stopping and spending a night in a cheap motel until you felt better the next day was out of the question? I had to do that once before. The drive home was 10 hours long. I ended up getting really sick from camping and its not like we had a toilet since we chose to travel in the car and camp old school instead of using the RV that time. The choice was to keep stopping every ten minutes until we finally got home or spend a night in a cheap motel. I was thankful to stop for the night and wait until the next day to start traveling again when I was less ill. I hope you feel better fast, OP. :(

Keattles 14

Ah, I hate throwing up, it's the worst, especially in a tight space. Feel better OP!

I think #5 means if OP pukes, since paper bags are what they normally use for vomit.

You'll need top-notch Grade A quality doggy bags. Dogwalker's Choice. You'll pay a little more up front, but the results are unquestionable on the back-end.

grimrepa2007 3

I understand how you feel OP. Ive had food poisoning 3 times and one was me and my family driving from Colorado to Texas. worst moment of my life

I went through this exact situation. We ended up turning around and staying an extra 2 days =)

I went through this exact situation. We ended up turning around and staying an extra 2 days =)

Girl, pull onto a country road and stop.