By Lola - 23/07/2012 04:31

Today, my boyfriend bought us three kittens. Today, I also discovered that I am allergic to cats. My boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted the cats more than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 787
You deserved it 4 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

This is one of those times where more pussy isn't always the better option.

I rather cats to humans too... *forever alone *


It can be surprising how much humans can love animals. Right now I am in a predicament in getting a kitten...

salonas 3

Who gets 3 kittens at one time?!?! I think you're better off! He's obviously an idiot!

It's actually smart to get at least two kittens. Having only one leaves them without properly learning the right way to use their claws and play fight and their aggression will be taken out with the playmate instead of your curtains and furniture. If these three kittens came from the same litter I would have trouble picking just two of the three - I'd probably get them all too. In fact, my family recently rescued a newborn kitten. A few weeks later we adopted a kitten of the same age from our local vet. They couldn't be happier with each other. Another reason a second kitten was necessary was we have two elderly cats who our first kitten would've bothered had he not a playmate to be with.

kurtXD 0

The new version of cat lady , cat man or does that sound like a super hero

itssjulia 13

Dude how old are you guys? Like 12?

fat_bastard_607 0

forever moderated. wtf, Fml???

he'll die alone with his cats dw about it!

Maybe he bought the cats because he Was hoping you were allergic. Instant break up, jus add cats and shake well.

Ammi 7

You were trying to make him get rid of the cats the day he got them because you found out, that same day, that you're allergic? I have to side with him on this one. Allergies can be dealt with. The cats would have likely been euthanized eventually if he returned them, and many shelters refuse to adopt to you if you have ever returned an animal to a shelter for ANY reason. Those issues are much more long term than something you can pop a Benadryl for. Oh, and before people jump on me, I am SEVERELY allergic to cats. Hives, difficulty breathing, very swollen eyes, the whole nine yards. But, I own a cat because pet allergies are not fatal (at least, I've never heard of that, though I don't claim expertise in this area) and your body will adjust to something it is around every single day. I still have to medicate for new cats, but I very rarely have a reaction to my own because I have lived with her for so many years now. The first month or so was hard, but it's worth it.

Exactly. If you hadn't told him, or he hadn't noticed your allergies before, chances are they are not that bad. There are tons of different treatments you can try in order to alleviate your symptoms. Your boyfriend is showing himself to be a good, diligent, and loyal pet owner by not abandoning them because they're inconvenient. YOU are the one that is rejecting HIM because of the cats. It isn't the other way around.

That's what I thought as well... My dad is severly allergic to cats but I wanted a kitten so bad when I was a kid that he tried different medications until he found one that eventually helped. He's been around cats all the time since then and loves them alot. Sure, he sneezes from time to time and the house needs to be vacuumed a bit more often but it all worked out in the end. Same story with my friend's ex. He was allergic, she has 2 cats. He got some meds and his breathing problems went away. Also how can you be 20+ years old and never encountered a cat in your life, op??? You can't tell me you only just found out TODAY that you're allergic to ******* cats...I mean, they're everywhere!!!

While I agree with the points about returning them, before you bring an animal into a long term relationship it should be something decided and dealt with together. Maybe op could have adjusted to one cat with allergies. Three is tough. I knew when I saved the two I have it was going to be rough going. I was laid up for a few days. But allergies do set my pain disorder off so the laid up isn't normal. I just knew if we didn't take them they would end up at a kill shelter. If they did get adopted they probably would have been split up. They were together since kittens and it broke my heart to think about that. However, it was a decision me and my husband made together. Btw, I've turned in strays to non kill shelters and never had it held against me. As well as once I adopted a cat that turned out to be sick. Since I just had to put down a cat of 15 years and a dog of 14 I knew I couldn't make the call to do it again so I returned it to the shelter. They apologized that the kidney failure was missed and told me when I was ready to come back. So the return for any reason isn't quite accurate.

This is why I hate cats and think they're one of the creepest animals.

Because they have dander people can be allergic to? News flash! A lot of animals have dander. This is not a valid reason to hate any one animal.

It's possible to be allergic to people as well (my dog was, oddly enough). Does that mean people are creepy and you hate them all too?