By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, by text, while we were in the same room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 161
You deserved it 4 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let me guess the reason why he broke up: lack of communication?


S1R 0

How sad. What the girl he really liked in the same room? I bet he asked her out via text afterwards. You deserved for dating someone who would do something like that. We guys don't change significantly unless something big happens so I'm betting you either sucked as a girlfriend or you should have saw this coming.

Um, what? You cannot always tell what type of person someone is when you first start dating them. Everyone ends up dating a douchebag at some point in their life, since us humans tend to not be perfect and also be able to see into the future. People break up for MANY reasons, not just because the OP was a sucky girlfriend.

S1R 0

Then maybe you should get to know the person before hand. Or you could be a dumbass and date any member of the sex you like without actually knowing them.

or maybe your grammar is shite - she should have "saw" this coming?

imblue 0

Anyone else fed up with these "my boyfriend/girlfriend dumped me" FMLs? :/

ruckerpark364 0

he's just modernizing the douche bag era...he's a TREND SETTER

oh honey, i feel your pain. my boyfriend broke up with me too. at my house in my bedroom. but not through text, and then he walked out my door, and didn't shut it. i was pissed.

That's some bullshit. Sorry, OP. (I'm a vindictive bitch; I'd have broken his phone. In half.)


Haha I would've too! Or slapped him in the face and stormed out. Or both sound good, really.

I would have gone up to him, and broken his nose, while he was in the same room

confirmpassword 0

i hope he has unlimited texting, or he just wasted a nickel

CuteX4Xyou 0

Wow, dude thats really ****** up. He was obviously a jerk-off if he didnt have the balls to talk to you. you should have slapped him. HARD