By bumblebee - 13/03/2010 19:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend complained that we may not work out because I'm "just too needy". I'd woken up early and texted him "good morning" while he was trying to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 736
You deserved it 9 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GodBarack 5

God I hate FML's like this...

dudeitsdanny 9

I appreciate a good morning text from my (hypothetical) girlfriend. Shows she cares. Now if it's a daily thing for you to text him early in the morning.. Depends. He can just turn the ringer off for the texts like I do. I get texts at all times from friends away at college or who just live far away, but I learned to silence my phone completely rather than bitch about it.


LOL sounds like my ex only she wanted me to wake u and text her at 7 every morning

voveraite 7

What? Hahahaha, sorry, FYearlierL, but this is funny. I'd like to see a guy have the nerve to ask me for this...

that's craaaazzyyyyy why would she ask for that?

Is it really that necessary to text someone "good morning"? I'm sure that's a nice gesture, but that would bug me if someone did that constantly. Let's hope you don't :)

Agreed. Seriously, it's cute maybe after a special evening, but if I randomly received a text that said good morning, I'd be very pissed off if that was what woke me up.

This. My ex did that EVERYDAY for weeks when he got up at 7 in the morning for work. Eventually asked him to cut that shit out.

Monikabug 9

Agreed. Plus, we don't know if this is the first time the OP did this, she probably does the Good night, Good morning, Happy one week anniversary texts too. I would be mad, and call her needy too.

I actually wake up and text my bf have a good day cuz he goes to class in the am

Monikabug 9

@34, but you text him and know he is awake. I hate it when someone sends me a text message before my alarm goes off. If my phone wakes me up, it sets me off. ._.

My boyfriend actually does text me good morning every day as soon as he wakes up. I actually think it's really sweet, but if I had a problem with it, I'd just turn my ringer off. It's not that difficult to just disable your text ringtone.

Monikabug 9

Ringtone or not, it can still be ANNOYING. If you do like the stupid one or two word text messages from your boyfriend, that's just fine. However, quite a few people here, including myself, think that it is quite obnoxious, and it does come off needy.

ladykat 0

Texts are like post it notes, if you had your phone on virbrate or not attached to your GD ear while you sleep... Then it would be a nice gesture and a sweet note to wake up to. It's not needy at all.

Monikabug 9

@72, maybe every once in awhile. Not every damn day. :)

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

if you get that annoyed by a sweet little gesture then you are probably really bitchy and shouldn't be in a relationship anyway

ladykat 0

Of course every once in a while! :) Otherwise its not as special if you get it EVERYDAY.

Monikabug 9

:) that is a beautiful point...

It varies from relationship to relationship. Just like in mine, we don't celebrate anniversaries, even though we've been together almost two years. Some like it while others don't. I keep my phone across the house so I don't hear it go off, and I read it when I go to make breakfast. But that's just me and him.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

I remember when I was in a relationship where I had to justify not being happy and sucked. now I'm with a guy who is sweet as can be, and I love all his texts. I could never go back to a bitter relationship where the person gets annoyed at nice little gestures.

Have any of you guys heard of a silent function on phones? It exists...

it's probably his date that you woke up.

Don't text people when you wake up, you being awake does not mean the other person is awake as well.

The OP wasn't sleeping. You don't sleep-text people good morning.

I've actually done that it came out as "-nug"

MF12 0

yeah, but it doesn't come ou coherent words... usually

MF12 0

You being awake does not mean he was awake as well. I would have been pissed if someone had woken me up saying good morning!

JEEP67 0

I take it he's not much of a morning person

take_it_ez 0

let people sleep, geezuz! I hate when I get woken up with a 'good morning' txt

Man, I hate when people do that, I always get pissed off and ignore them for like...days. It's so ******* annoying, and to everyone who does that; JUST ******* STOP!!!

You two deserve one another. Him for using any excuse to ditch work, you for waking him up while he was trying to sleep because you're insecure.

Freeze, this is a recurring theme of yours. Are you secretly a nice guy in real life and getting left for rude boys? Only immature girls for the jerks. Find a woman that is worthy of the special treatment you'd give her.

How does "good morning" translate to "I'm insecure." I get that texting someone good morning is annoying but there is zero correlation between a good morning text and insecurity.

xoconnie 8

wow u are too needy. let the boy sleep, he'll text you when he wants to talk.