By Anonymous - 05/05/2012 12:07 - Israel - Ramat Hasharon

Today, my boyfriend cuffed my legs to the bed. After the sex we discovered one of the cuffs wouldn't open. After an hour of trying to pry them open, I had to waddle with him to the fire station to have them removed in front of 4 amused firefighters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 155
You deserved it 8 746

Same thing different taste


How did you get the bed to the fire station?

Lol trust me ur not the first one to do tht

I'm sort of one link of the cuff was attached to the bed, and one to your foot - and yet you had to waddle? And, as someone else pointed out, did you drag the bed with you? Maybe I'm just missing something...

Could've maybe put on a bathrobe or towel on

BabyMimi00 12

For some reason, I don't think your life sucks...

Wow... Well that seems like torture cuffing your legs to the bed and getting u laid...

I have to admit, that's really funny! I'm sorry hah!