By cutiecuppiecakez - 29/02/2016 21:04 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend got so baked, he thought I was in the washing machine. I came downstairs to find him sitting in a puddle of soaking wet clothes, crying about where I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 023
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How sweet, he tried to save you from drowning in the washer.

That would have been a great time to just start talking and let him think that you had dissolved into bubbles.


At least he cares about your safety. As long as you have the finances to support that hobby, I say go ahead

And this is why "getting baked" is only allowed in a few areas...

Can you hook me up with his weed guy? That's some fire ass weed

Hmm sure those weren't shrooms? ? unless he ate a bunch of edibles, that'd be a pretty hard high to reach haha

thegreat579 7

Aaaand what was the name of this strain would you mind asking?!!