By ART - 06/03/2010 08:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of a year decided to confess to me that almost everything he has told me in our relationship has been a lie. This includes telling me that he was single when we first met, telling me that he loved me, and telling me that I was beautiful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 507
You deserved it 3 157

Same thing different taste


this happend to me too but worse. my gf of 3 years told me that she not only had been lying to me but that she had cheated on me with 3 other guys who happen to be he friends that i sometimes chat with. she then went on to say she still wanted to marry me because ive been so good to her unlike the rest of them. in short i totally feel your pain. just try and keep your head up.

stop saying stupid things like that and break the Ice with an actual joke

NatalyKayx 0

hm. his name wouldn't happen to be Greg, would it?

shsaaa 0

i think you desered it, if what he said is true i'm sure there were many hints that you ignored.:)

Thats sucks. That guy should slap himself. And maybe go to therapy for being a douch bag.

haha this is ******* brilliant, sooo funny! your boyfriend... what a GC (good c*unt)

isint that like what a relation ship is aboutand it was all a lie. I think he just said he never loved you