By ugh - 12/11/2014 03:31 - United States - Antioch

Today, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me over some rumors he heard about me. These rumors are from high-school, seven years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 239
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think he was just trying to find an excuse to break up with you. Because that right there is a load of BS.

They better be damn good rumours! But sorry for your troubles


Must be some shocking rumours OP, however... No smoke without fire

foxmatrix15 8

If the rumors are true and u did some sexual acts with multiple people or at the same time. Then yea that's a valid excuse.

It was a long time ago - people change. Even if OP was involved in an orgy or something that is a stupid thing to break up over - especially after 4 years in a relationship.

It's not really a valid excuse. But some people are immature and think it is and won't get over it.

Macherni 5

The past will always come to haunt you.

no matter how long rumors last they can mess things up

Durantye 8

Honestly not nearly enough info on this FML to realistically decide in either way.

He's a jack ass if he honestly believes them! You're better off without him. Sorry, OP. Those shouldn't follow you or anyone for that long.

I can't help but thinking that after 7 years, any rumour has had plenty of time to mutate beyond all recognition and wouldn't even come close to resembling reality, even if it originally did. Sorry that you just wasted 4 years with that stage 12 arse nugget.

Dang OP what kinda freaky stuff were you rumored to have been into in high school?