By Anonymous - 29/04/2011 12:53 - New Zealand

Today, my boyfriend of nearly two years broke up with me because he's sick of me being annoyed at him. Why am I annoyed at him? Because he wants to go and spend a week with his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 571
You deserved it 5 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I'd be annoyed if I were you too.

Then kick his ass, instead of being annoyed with him. I would have dumped his ass if my boyfriend ever even thought of doing that.


Doesn't sound like an FML to me, it just sounds like he saved you the effort of doing it yourself.

ECMchase 0

now you get one week with him :3

BellaGoBoom 6

lol I can't believe no one else caught this!

you should have beat him to it, dumbass

I agree. Seems like he did what OP should have done in the first place.

if my boyfriend would want to go spend a weekend with his ex I would deff break up with him. not wait for him to break up with me

it's only a FML if he's still your boyfriend! this is a GOOD thing; he's an ahole!

**** being annoying, it should have been YOU who is suppose to do the dumping. why stand his shit. YDI

oblio 0

He wants to cheat on you but he wants it to be your fault. Good riddance OP, he sounds like a douche. Kick his butt out the door and tell him to grow up!

I'm amazed at how incredibly insecure so many of these posters are. If the OP's now ex-boyfriend has been friends with his ex (which happens quite a bit), this isn't exactly unusual. Obviously, one needs to take into account distance (really weird if it's just an hour away to his ex's, practical if it's across the country), but to simply bash this guy and assume he was going to cheat is just stupid and sexist. Yes, you heard me right. You have limited information about the circumstances surrounding this incident and assume that since he's a guy, he was planning on having a romantic/sexual encounter with his ex. Seriously, people. My now-fiance spent 6 months abroad, she's stayed overnight at her ex's house (well, he lives with his parents at the moment), as well as at the house of other male friends. Guess what? I trust her, and I know the male friends. What's the issue?

RainbowHeadache 2

Because not all guys are like your fiancé. & your fiancé is a chick.

Yea, but theres never enough information in FMLs. We don't know whether or not this is a flighty high-school relationship, a long-term relationship, whether they're engaged, etc. We don't know if she's a chronic bitch who knocks him any time he pays another woman attention, or if he's a dick whos constantly flirting with other women just to show that she can't control him. We also don't know how the ex is, whether she has a BF, their relationship before they were romantically involved, or anything like that. Maybe she and him just kept the friendship thing going since the breakup and the new GF is being overly paranoid, maybe the ex has been manipulative and trying to get him back for the past few years, who knows? So without further information, all we can do is go by what we perceive as the most likely scenario. For me this is: He's not over his ex, he's not taking his current GF's feelings into account, ending their(probably short-term) relationship would be best for them both.

Showmehowtolive: You missed the part about the other male friends. Again, it all comes down to trust levels. If you don't trust your SO to not cheat on you given the opportunity, that's your relationship. I just think it's sad so many people assume that this is the case. RainbowHeadache: So what you're saying is, girls are emotionally stable, honest people and guys are manipulative cheaters? instantmusic: Agreed on some points, but again, kind of sad that everyone assumes the worst case scenario.

I'd say FMLs are about half and half people with real problems, and people with no concept of how bad life can get whining about little things that won't matter in a few days. That's why I don't automatically assume the circumstances are the worst-case.

@57 I can agree with that, maybe I'm a little too cynical on this one.

RainbowHeadache 2

No. Women can cheat it's just more common for men.

rofflewaffle 9

Actually, it's about even, but men get caught more.

youngbuck10 9

I think you're a wee bit oblivious. Just saying. I wouldn't want to spend one second with an ex, nor would my fiance'.

Good riddances, now you can focus all your energy on a guy worthwhile. His loss, your gain.

shift_love 13

looks like he was just looking for an excuse to break up with you fyl op for getting played

Yes, let's assume the worst intentions on the part of the male. Intelligent and rational. Let's grow up, please. Men and women can have platonic relationships, but men and women can't have romantic relationships when one of them is a jealous, controlling, overbearing harpy.