By loserface23 - 28/05/2009 19:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years asked me to marry him so that we can consolidate our student loans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 706
You deserved it 3 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bco12 0

Not gonna lie, I'd probably smack my guy if he said that... Just ouch. Not even CLOSE to a good reason to get married.


bco12 0

I hope you're not considering it.

Not gonna lie, I'd probably smack my guy if he said that... Just ouch. Not even CLOSE to a good reason to get married.

A lot of people marry for that..but DONT. Bad idea.

wow, FYboyfriend...that hurts :/

DreMaMa 0

That's so romantic! I can imagine how that conversation went: him: so i've been thinking about us ya know getting married. you: yeah?! him: yep that way we can consolidate our loans! Do you want to? you: ... okay

You sure he wasn't just kidding around? If not... then just wow, maybe your boyfriend will meet the same ending as Cal from that 1997 Titanic movie.