By Anonymous - 27/12/2014 16:54 - Canada - Delta

Today, my boyfriend sent me a screenshot of his phone's contact list, to show me the adorable photo of us he'd set as my contact image. I guess he didn't realize that a contact called "Side Babe" was just barely in the screenshot too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 721
You deserved it 2 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No. You don't understand. That's just the contact name for his butcher that he buys bacon from. He calls him that because he sells him "a side of Babe."

That sucks OP. hope you find a man you can trust someday and isn't a moron.


Time to find another date for New Year's Eve.

All though that is horrible, it's your fault for not being good enough.

Which is the same thing as all your partners will say to you, as your horrible, judgemental personality drives them into other (nicer and therefore better) people's arms.

Maybe he just means you're his babe that he always wants by his side. I would ask him about it, though.

Oh I didn't read right. I thought you were listed as side babe. Ugh. I'm dumb.

Who the hell even does stuff like this? Seriously, if you're cheating on your SO you don't save the name of the girl as "side babe" on your phone. You put in a fake name so that if your SO decides to call that number she asks for the name on the number, and the side babe knows to act like she doesn't know you. Seriously. It's like people don't even try at infidelity anymore. I'm not saying this is fake. I'm saying your boyfriend is a dumbass. Also, FYL OP.

Wow! So sorry you had to find out that way. Well at least now you know. Most do have a side babe!