By MERRY FUCKMYARSEMASS - 26/12/2013 20:39 - United Kingdom

Today, my car broke down on the highway, and I had to call for a tow truck. It finally showed up, only to break down too less than a mile later. Cue nearly freezing to death while we waited for help to arrive for the both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 050
You deserved it 2 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MichellinMan 20

A line of broken tow trucks assimilates.


What a fantastic script for a porno, I'm getting horny just thinking about it!

yusaku02 20

freezing to death united kingdom pick one

always keep a winter jacket in your truck, my dad told me to do this ands it's saved my ass more than once