By paprgrl421 - 13/05/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my cell phone rang while I was still asleep. I picked it up, half asleep, only to find it was a wrong number from some guy. Three minutes later I receive a text message saying "Hey, you sound cute..." from the same number. I looked to see if he was local. I'm that desperate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 677
You deserved it 10 105

paprgrl421 tells us more.

He was local, no I didn't respond. I live in a less densely populated area (i.e. small town) so it's very easy to see where he was from. I can even pinpoint his cellular carrier by his area code+***. That's how few places offer cell service in wisconsin

Top comments

Ha ha.. So, how's the relationship been?

Sadly enough, I wish that would happen to me


coffeennicotine 0

Well, everyone's a stranger till you get to know them. That's how everyone forms relationships whether it e friendships or romantic relationships. So, I agree with #37

Karnezar 2

Three minutes later? That's just enough time to see if your phone number was local :D

xstargirl 0

Sounds more like opportunity knocking (texting?) than desperation to me. :)

I think kit's awesome. He might be dreamy?

LOL! That's actually kind of cool! You should go out with him!

That's not really that strange, I think it'd be a neat way to meet someone if the relationship worked out. That's not desperate OR an FML.

Today, I called my girlfriend from a friends house. After telling her, that it was wrong number, I texted her, acting like "the seducing stranger" to see her reaction. After reading this FML i found out, that my girlfriend of 2 years is desperate. FML

bella789 8

I don't get it...was it you who did it to her then? :p