By Anonymous - 23/05/2015 07:03 - United States - Tampa

Today, my dad came to my 8-year-old daughter's birthday party wearing a shirt that said "Small penis, huge dick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 120
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I imagine your daughter won't enjoy the pictures from her birthday party, when she gets the real meaning of the shirt's phrase.


I hope it wasn't describing your daughter.

gintwinsmoore 20

"small penis, huge asshole".

Starfire950 5

on your dads bday wear a shirt that says "My dad loves small penis"


I feel like some of the members on here are a tad dramatic. I don't think your dad is a dick. I think people who order 25 items in the drive through, or honk literally as soon as the light turns green are dicks. Your dad just made a bad judgment call. I'm sorry and I hope you explained why it was not a good choice.

Is it bad that i want that shirt? Lol

Not at all, #48, as long as you have the sense not to wear it to a kid's birthday party!

How dafuq does that make sense? It's like the saying is going against itself