By gbabyy - 22/11/2009 03:25 - United States

Today, my daughter was playing outside. I was watching her from the window, and I saw her pick up a dead bird. I ran outside to grab her. As I picked her up and started scolding her, she tried to scratch my face. In the attempt, her hand went straight into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 745
You deserved it 6 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quietcannon 0

She tried to scratch your face? How is she that bad with her behavior already?! She needs to be spanked.

When you say "daughter," you mean "cat" right? That would make a lot more sense, in multiple places.


oh, and also, anyone bitching about the scolding, your kids are/will be obnoxious little brats because you have no parenting skills, just saying.

Research shows that redirection and explaining most concepts are more effective than scolding. In some cases scolding is a better choice, when a child should know better, but most of the time (even when a child may know better), redirection and explaining works better than scolding. Children forget things just like we do. Has your boss or has a teacher ever told you something and you had to ask them to explain it again? That is the same concept. Remember, you can attract more bees with honey than vinegar.

Your daughter is going to grow up to become catwoman

Since you are a woman, you should be used to having "bird meat" in your mouth.

In my household, everyone knows that "attempting to scratch mom in the face" equals "one broke-nosed child."

Sorry, but you realize that scolding her for picking the bird up would not have done any good anyway? Did she know already not to pick up the dead bird? Had she done it before? Did she have the schema to attach the concept to that she shouldn't touch a dead animal? Children need redirection, not all of this yelling and scolding that we do. You were right in rushing to her and taking the bird out of her hand, but then you should have gotten on her level and told her that she should not pick up dead animals and explained WHY. If she gets used to your yelling, she will not listen to you and continue to misbehave.

A person commented on the fact that the mother may not have been "scolding" in the traditional sense of the word, and that the little girl may not have scratched before. They also brought up other good points. I had not thought of it that way and want to thank that poster for showing me some perspective.

if ur daughter attacks u wen u scold her ydi for not disciplining ur kids

winslow310560 0

that little b***h I would have beat her down for trying to her her mother. it's too bad parents are afraid to diciplin their kids anymore.

so? stop being a germ-freak you wont die.. DAMN now i recently got my tongue pierced so that wouldve been a problem for me but jesus its called mouthwash