By Fox_Undercover - 30/04/2016 20:33 - United States - Wareham

Today, my dentist pulled the wrong tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 438
You deserved it 2 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where we get off FML, and call up the attorney. "Accidentally" pulled out the wrong tooth? Fishy.

A tooth for a tooth. It's the only answer.


I recall hearing something about this and dentists selling them a few years back. One guy woke up with no chompers left in his maw!

On the plus side, you get a shiny new implant and a bunch of money via your attorney.

Ceese_xlv 4

Was it Inspector Clouseau??

Dang, would that even be fixable? I'd imagine you'd get a massive payout, if not. Although I'd also imagine a large chunk of said payout would go on fixing the damage he caused. FYL op!

You're in America, Step 1: File a lawsuit for medical malpractice. Step 2: Win that lawsuit Step 3: Profit

ttaisimm 3

That is actually fairly common in high volume practices. The dentist can have up to 4-5 patients at a time, it's the dental assistants job to make sure he stays on track and you're prepping the correct tooth. (I'm in the dental profession)