By IDon't - 13/10/2013 10:49 - Australia - Berkeley Vale

Today, my fiancée told me she can't marry me. Our wedding day is tomorrow and around 20 of our 180 guests attending have travelled half way around the world just for the occasion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 132
You deserved it 3 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood how people can just not go through with a wedding. That's a pretty selfish thing to do.


I mean, obviously he wasn't sure. It's better he said something before the wedding than to go through with it and end up making both of your lives miserable because he wouldn't have been 100% committed. You have to count your blessings. A wedding is expensive. A divorce is even more expensive. Plus the toll it takes on you emotionally? He may have saved you both from even more heart ache.

did she say why? well just turn the reception into a different kind of party. sorry though

I don't understand how someone can change their mind the day before their own wedding day. I'm pretty sure you don't wake up that morning and realize it

Dodge4x4Ram 46
Dodge4x4Ram 46

don't mine me,, I'm getting my badge,3 comment in 1 FML

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Why did your fiancée have the cold feet? Please reply OP