By howtobreakup - 11/04/2016 16:39 - United Kingdom - Worthing

Today, my friend asked me for advice on how to break up with her boyfriend. I've never done it before so I googled it, my own boyfriend happened to walk in and now isn't speaking to me. He won't believe me when I say it was "for a friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 649
You deserved it 4 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have just told your friend to google it. Why couldn't she do it herself? Just have your friend talk to your bf

zeffra13 31

Probably should've just said which friend it was for off the bat so it sounds less like you're lying/hiding something.


Well at least now you know one good way

I would have that friend talk to him.

Are you kidding me? Shouldn't you be mature enough to just have a talk?

Had my ex wife think the same thing when I was looking up divorce information. It didn't even come close to our relationship, I was looking up married under false circumstances. Because I thought one of my soldiers was being used.

Talk about bad timing...I hope you can get back to normal with your boyfriend soon. And tell your BF, to take a walk in the park with her partner and talk things out. Don't go to far where people can't see you (just to be safe, no offense). Also, don't make it the first thing. Just kindly ease it into your talk. Good luck!

This FML sounds really fake, why do you Google such a thing??

Wouldn't/Shouldn't he WANT to talk to you since "you" googled that?

You are lucky he did not break up with you...

wow, that's probably the funniest, most unfortunate thing I've ever heard. Sorry op. be careful what you google next time

Show him on the FML website, he'll believe you then.