By sickly - 18/02/2011 13:06

Today, my friend came over with brownies as a treat before work. She works in a bakery so I thought it was lovely. After starting work, I became stoned. She thought it was a great prank. I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 523
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments


meeba 2

i hope you didnt like your job...

I had a "friend" do almost the same thing to me, the only difference was that it involved acid and sweet tarts. FOL

awe, you have such a great friend ! I want her :)

tmmundy 17

what are u planning on doing with her? smoking her? or backing her in a batch of brownies?

I was thinking she could make me brownies, but smoking her could work too !


Shadow_Phantom 26

I'd rather have a job than be high for a few hours. FYL.

birds_fml 7

Press charges OP. That's illegal, and she's obviously a very bad friend.

Depending on how vindictive you feel, I'd agree with this. Drugging someone is an insanely big deal. It'd probably ruin your friend's life though, so you'd really have to think hard about it.

That's no friend. She drugged you, with illegal drugs, no less. Press charges.

'Friend'? That term seems to be incorrect here... You should return the favor with a batch of brownies full of laxatives. And as far as being fired from your job. You were drugged. You had no idea what was in the brownies when you ate them. Did you explain this to your boss? You were in no way at fault for what happened.

fmlwinnn 0

I'm assuming that the OP was also high while fired, and, as I'm not an expert on weed nor do I smoke it, she mustve been really stoned and didn't really think to tell the boss.

GreeneyedWonder 0

27 - do you honestly think the OP's boss will believe their side of the story? Unless she/he had the friend confess - which will get the friend in a great deal of trouble. Personally, I'd find it hard to believe, "my friend purposely drugged me," without proof.

Were you gawking at the pipes screen saver on your computer? The colors, bra! The ******* colors!