By dinosaur - 08/02/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, my friend sent me a link about a nine year old kid who wrote an iPhone app that gets 2000 downloads per week. I am a 28 year old software developer and have been failing to write an iPhone app for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 224
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets all make an app together about beating the shit out of 9 year olds who can make iphone apps.


#4 has it hahahaa and yeah this kinda shit makes me frustrated as hell

It's probably the only impressive thing he'll ever program anyway. He'll end up being one of those average programmers that you can buy by the dozen in China.

babyjane_fml 0

now thats just messed up. some 9 year old kid shouldnt be makin an app that gets 2000 downloads per week. at least tell us the link

gothnotemo 0

Don't pick on geeks because you'll likely work for one someday

manunited93 0

Fake! According to apple's terms of use etc, you must be 18 years or older to get into the app making program! I'm 16 i wanted to make apps and i couldn't because you had to be 18 and pay 99 bucks, so i know your lying you bastard YDI.

Yeah. His dad got the developer account and is using it to let Ding Wen make apps. Duh.

9 year old kids cannot write iphone apps. either the news which your friend sent you was fake, or you are. And if you cannot write an iPhone app after months of trying, you should probably seek some help or do some research. Grab a book or two.