By Shelling Ford - 25/08/2015 11:55 - Germany - Munich

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I said I wouldn't find her attractive in 20 years. What I actually said was that I wouldn't sleep with her mother now, who happens to be 20 years older than her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 251
You deserved it 3 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

What the hell even brought up that conversation?

Am I the only one who doesn't quite understand the wording? Like, I get what is being said. But, yeah.


Steve97 32

What the hell even brought up that conversation?

Girlfriend: Do you find my mom attractive? OP: Meh. Not enough to sleep with her. Girlfriend: *Uses the fight she choreographed as an excuse to break up with OP.*

miguel6gh 14

Exactly the first thing that came to mind. Who brought up that conversation?

And obviously, she would have broken up with you if you had said that you would sleep with her mother... Better off without her.

juturnaamo 29

Because he doesn't want to sleep with her mother.

Am I the only one who doesn't quite understand the wording? Like, I get what is being said. But, yeah.

He means that he said he wouldn't have sex with his girlfriends mom, which his girlfriend took as OP wouldn't have sex with her in 20 years,

I'm sure it means that his now ex will look like her mother in 20 years so when he said he wouldn't sleep with her mom she took it as the equivalent as saying he wouldn't sleep with her when she is her mothers age

To me, asking "do you find my mother attractive?" is different than "would you **** my mom?" It blows my mind why any woman would ask their boyfriend if they would sleep with their mother in the first place but I could forgive him. I wouldn't break up with him because he didn't say "no, but she's a beautiful woman."

She was just looking for an excuse to dump you

Exactly my thoughts. Either answer would have resulted in the same result

Well they say a women looks like her mother when she's older. Not always true though!

"Today, my boyfriend said he wouldn't sleep with my mother. FML"

I guess you need sleep with her mother. That should make things all better.

imkool136 22

Well you're in a pickle cause then you just look creepy if you said ya you'd hit that. I was put into that same situation but luckily she wasn't as crazy as your girl, no offense. But hey, everything will work out the way they're supposed to in the end.