By SKuser - 19/05/2009 08:09 - China

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She later came into the T-Mobile that I work at to return the Sidekick that I bought for her. I had to transfer her account to a new Iphone. She got the Iphone from her new boyfriend, who works across the street from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 922
You deserved it 4 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Neottia 0

5 & 6, he said the store across the street, why would there be 2 T-mobiles across the street from each other.. it was an AT&T store.

Depressing.. :( You'll find better!


she has an iphone.. she is obviously an idiot

ahhhhhhhhhhhahahahha lame. she's just using you dudes for your phone connections, wowwies. :/

You can transfer all your information from one phone company to another so that you don't have to change your phone number which is a hassle. And OP your ex maybe just wanted to return the phone for the money back. Either way this is really bad and you deserve a lot better. Btw Sidekick LX is amazing!

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT for going for a ghetto, loser, moocher

T-Mobile and AT&T are both GSM, so an unlocked iPhone can be used on either. More likely though, she simply had her number ported to AT&T. You don't have to do that in person, so the only reason she would go down to the T-Mobile store is to stick it to the guy.

bella_brasil 0

Well.. I got a sidekick and im dying to switch for the iPhone so i don't blame her on that. Other then that,she's a bitch though! You can definitely find better. And don't buy gfs cellphones anymore :)

wasn't there a FML a while ago where some guy going to medical school got dumped because the girl started dating a guy who worked at a T-Mobile Kiosk?

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

yeah well the sidekick sucks. I have an iphone and would pick it over the sidekick any day.

Your ex was callous and insensitive. You are lucky she's out of your life. And wait a little while before getting your next gal a phone, like six months.