By brycepetrillo - 07/09/2013 16:08 - United States - New Port Richey

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me through my birthday card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 185
You deserved it 3 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments


She really thought that would be the best time to ******* do that? Especially on a card that's meant to bring happiness? I'm sorry, OP. I'm sure you'll find yourself caught up into someone else once you see your ex is a total biznatch. (:

I'm sensing a spin off of My Bloody Valentine and its called My Bloody Birthday She could have just ended it and not put it in a damn card. I'm sorry :/

Well, at least she got you a birthday card. She could have at least given you a gift card too.

I can't help but picture what she wrote. "Happy Birthday, to you! Happy Birthday, we're through! Happy Birthday, dear OP, I will not miss you!"

Why the heck are people trying to find creative ways to break up. It's a serious matter and should be taken seriously, face-to-face

I know it's late but it looks like your b-day is coming up since it'll be a year since you posted this. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDOM STRANGER.